Yeah ..celebrate His Birthday !
Due to his birthday is on weekday so just celebrate earlier.!
Morning went to eat breakfast..dim sum..Yummy..

yummy ..yummy...

Afternoon he just go to cut his hair ..and went to Youth Park exercise !

siao kia ! =x

Youth Park !

the Birthday Boy !

Before go to Dinner...bring him to shoe shop...
Brought him this EDWIN shoe...hope you like it ....

Continue our Journey..
Here I come ~finally reach EVERGREEN Hotel... the buffet is Japanese Food !errr..
I'm not really like to eat Japanese Food but I Try !

Baby Crab..

Octopus..this one Nice..Thumbs Up !!

errrr..Yuck...I hate this...


siao cha bo and siao ta bo @.@

Lobby !..My spec is Spoit...T.T


After the Dinner we just go to Penang Bowl with friend !
haiS..my spec is spoilt ..so I din join them to play ...
If I play hiak hiakk ..sure wash the "longkang" become more clean...

wash "longkang"
After that we went to Hawker Shop farewell with Zach...
Cause He is going to NS 3 month !


They order a lot of food ..WoW...but I'm full...
Thank God that gave me a wonderful day...