
Happy Holidays !

Guess what !is holiday..everyone just love holiday right ?so me too, Im super love holiday...:D
Holiday can relax myself and recharge my energy again..I just feel so happy with it, lately been shop a loooooooooooot, I just can say almost every weekend go to shopping, shopping can restore my energy ?LOL..going to declare bankruptcy soon..xD
Anyway, guys just relax yourself on this holiday, don take this holiday as bitter holiday, holiday should be fun and happy right !
Happy holiday guys, have a safety journey wherever you go..
And here to wish my friend Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri !;]


316 Musical Concert

Yeah...no regret for going 316 musical concert..you guys is the best...keep it up the good work, continue to shine for our Lord !
Went to Seventh Day Adventist Churh for the 316 musical concert and this is
the 4th album they come to share their song..the song is seriously touch my heart..and the lyrics is full of meaning..:)

Here are the photo
This is the 4th Album
Both of them had a great voice..
Is May June..
The team..
The BFF..<3
That all for the night..I really happy and touch by their voice..:)


Just relax myself

Last week been very busy for my work..felt so stressful..and guess what, finally fall sick ady..hais !
And I just realize last month only fall sick, and this month I fall sick again, how weak I am !
Sometimes, I will think is it need to relax myself for a moment..
Just let myself to rest, quiet my mind and let the silence relax my body..:)
That all for the day..