I've been thinking a lot of thing on this few days, I just don know why !it seem like something gonna happen, is like I gonna give up on something else..:(
Lord I need you right now, refresh me once again, oooooooohhhhhhh Lord !
An adventure trip to Gua Tempurung..
Today woke up super early in the morning, our Canaan Life Assembly youth going down to Gua Tempurung for 1 day trip..:)
Is really excited, adventure, fun, happy, great moment with you all, on our way to there my car is full of happiness, all the laughing voice..is just so great
, Thank God for the safety journey and we reached there..
And is start our hike, full of scary but is quite excited and fun also cause is m
y 1st time go there, and we really have a great and precious moment over there, help each other..A lot of challenging go through the underwater, hike up and down, blacky in the cave cant even see our hand also, and I like the most is we need to slice down form high, is so excited...XD
And we finished the whole journey, and we wet like chicken..heh !and we going down to Ipoh to having our lunch, famous tauge chicken rice..:)
Is time to back to Penang, and I seriously tired and nearly fall asleep while driving all the way, but still need to open my eyes wide big *pity*, and guess what my car is silent at all, all sleep like a pig...heh !but still we reached here safely..Thank God for the good weather..:)
[ not much photo ]
I felt so stupid on myself...I did a very big mistake just because of what I said..I should really think twice before I say out anything..the scene after I answer you my friend just start saying I'm stupid !I know I really stupid la..:X
mixed feeling I have right now, just now I really regret for going there, if never go there I wont see you, and wont happen this to me..and made me mad like this.:X
shout out loud I HATE YOU !
I know is too late for me saying that don say something that will make myself regret..:(
My very Best Friend !
Im going to miss my very best friend so much, very much..2moro is the day that she leaving here and go to Manchester to continue her degree..I seriously miss you so much la..:(
I know that distance cant separate the friendship between us right ?
Anyway I really Thank God that he send me this very best friend to come into my life, she really teach me a lot of things that I don understand with it, always there for me, concern me, a lot a lot of thing..a million Thank You..
Both of us been pass through a lot of sweet, spicy, bitter, happy, love moment is seriously leave a footprints in my heart..<3
She always there when I most need her, the one who caring and loving, the one who understand..Im really so blessed to have you in my life..;)
take care my BFF !love you to the bits..:D
may Heavenly Father always be with you, guide and lead you..:)
Appreciate this friendship !
Happy Holidays !
Guess what !is holiday..everyone just love holiday right ?so me too, Im super love holiday...:D
Holiday can relax myself and recharge my energy again..I just feel so happy with it, lately been shop a loooooooooooot, I just can say almost every weekend go to shopping, shopping can restore my energy ?LOL..going to declare bankruptcy soon..xD
Anyway, guys just relax yourself on this holiday, don take this holiday as bitter holiday, holiday should be fun and happy right !
Happy holiday guys, have a safety journey wherever you go..
And here to wish my friend Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri !;]
316 Musical Concert
Yeah...no regret for going 316 musical concert..you guys is the best...keep it up the good work, continue to shine for our Lord !
Went to Seventh Day Adventist Churh for the 316 musical concert and this is
the 4th album they come to share their song..the song is seriously touch my heart..and the lyrics is full of meaning..:)
Here are the photo

This is the 4th Album
Both of them had a great voice..
Is May June..
The team..
The BFF..<3
That all for the night..I really happy and touch by their voice..:)
Just relax myself
Last week been very busy for my work..felt so stressful..and guess what, finally fall sick ady..hais !
And I just realize last month only fall sick, and this month I fall sick again, how weak I am !
Sometimes, I will think is it need to relax myself for a moment..
Just let myself to rest, quiet my mind and let the silence relax my body..:)
That all for the day..
Always there for me !
Congratulation love !:D
Is good news to heard that you going to oversea to continue your study, all the best to you love..may Heavenly Father be with you all the time, no matter is hard or easy matters, you sure can handle it very well..all the best love !
My very good friend is good to have you in my life, can feel your warmth when I need you, and your shoulder always there for me !You teach me something that I not understand, although we cant see each other anytime, but you always there for me..Thank you love..:D
At last, just wish you all the best, I will keep you in my prayer..:)
Pinky Beach Party
[ Pinky Beach Party ]
Our youth having BBQ gathering at Penang Water Sport Centre..
Although is raining day..but we still have a lot of fun, happy mom
ent over there..good fellowship..:D
Here we go :

Group Picture..so pinky..

Is it they all laugh at Eunice huh ?
Pai Hui fall in love with this cammy ..
Umbrella service..xD
Busying on the FOOD !

So hot..and both of them still can pose !
She enjoy the garlic bread so much !

And she enjoy the chicken..
Heh..and this boy enjoy the sausage !:D

XD..something new for raining day..both of them look cute right !
And is Earth Hour..so we just use the candle to light up..

Group Picture..:D
Earth Hour
:Hooi Chie:
Having sharing time..

Benjamin the guitarist..

Who wearing the pink on top and bottom..:D
Yeah..this is what we done on our "Pinky Beach Party"..:D
Don't say regret thing and feel sorry later..
Someone told me "Don't say something that will make you regret"..
I'm really regret what I say..*sorry*
I should avoid this thing happen again..I know many times I failed..but I promise myself don wanna this thing happen again and again..
Really need to think twice before speak out anything..try to understand someone feeling..or not will hurt someone feeling.:(
Anyway..I will take this as a lesson !
Good Chef !
Guess what..a boy also know to cook nice food !xD
Is time for them to show their talent..
let the picture show you...
haha..both of them fight to make the egg..:P
In the processing...
OMG !..flour over his pant..careless !
They just cant wait to try the sweet and sour chicken !especially the chicken king !:P
Our Dish..yummy right ?*slurppp*..salive droppp..is really very nice...
And He just cant wait to eat ady !haha..
Guess what is almost 9.30pm only had our dinner !
Anyway had a nice time with you guys..hope we can have this nice time more often I mean cooking time..:D
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