19/04/09 is Boys' Brigade 14th Penang Company Enrolment Sunday ..Service start on 10am..all the BB member and officer also wearing the Full Ceremonial ..WAH so cool !~..
colour party..
opening prayer by Captain Alan Wan =)
worship leader ..Sir Daniel Chooi ...

all the church member and BB member ...
our BB member also have presented the sketch and singing..and share the testimonial ..
Cpl. Yeoh Soon Yau sharing his testimonial ...

sketch presentation...is a very interesting and very funny sketch :O
singing ...sang the song that call "Always There" ..总在我身旁..
Pte. Jason Lye sharing his testimonial =X
Promises ..Captain ,Officer ,Instructor and Teacher advisor ..
member ..
all of us..
our BB member also have presented the sketch and singing..and share the testimonial ..
Pastor Joshua preaching '
after that is the time to take photo ..chik chiak ''YEAH ^
WAH..yeng ley ..
14th Penang big Family ..
funny ???no comment ~!
flying kiss ?? see here ley ... WAH ...
Samantha say HELLO !!..cute girl
Hehehe..14th Penang Enrolment Sunday ...~!!! after the Enrolment Sunday we have a course that call GLOW>>>GROWING LEADERS OF WISDOM ..is teach by S/Sgt Eunice Wan..is a good course for us ..but still have many thing still not yet teach because the time is not enough ...
yEah ..that Day is our S/Sgt Eunice Wan Birthday ley ..Happy BirthDay Ya =)God BlesS You..